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  • Gosfield Community Primary School
‘Building a Love of Life and Learning’
‘Building a Love of Life and Learning’

Class 3

Welcome to Class 3, 2023-24.


Welcome back! We hope you had a wonderful Easter break; enjoying egg hunt activities and devouring lots of chocolate! Along with our continued learning of English, maths, reading and spellings, we will be focusing on Victorian life and the many inventions that came out of this period. In DT, our focal point is ‘Structures’, specifically shell structures. In PSHE, our wellbeing topic is centred around ‘Physical Health and Fitness Base First Aid’. Our P.E days have changed to a Tuesday, through which we will engage in learning skills to play the game, Cricket. In art, our focus is ‘Drawing’ and our computing topic relates to ‘Creating Media’. The weekly French lessons will resume and music lessons, this half term, will centre around ‘Composing, using your imagination’. We cannot wait to see all of you and begin the Summer term!


Here are a few things you need to know for the coming term;

HOMEWORK- We expect you to read, practise spellings and times tables daily at home. 

Use your red spelling practice book in any way you want to, to help you practice. We will use lots of different strategies in class that you could also use at home. For times tables- use games, songs or the grids. Check DB Primary for details and links.


PE- (a change in day) Tuesday afternoons - Please wear your PE kit on these days and remove all jewellery. Earrings MUST be removed, or you will not be able to take part in the lesson.


Thursdays- Reading records. Bring your reading record in each Thursday so we can check your regular reading at home. 


FRIDAYS- spelling test and times tables check. New spelling words will be uploaded to DB and put into your red practise books. Please ensure you have your spelling book with you in school every Friday so that new spellings can be stuck in. There are links to times table games on DB and a group will do a practise check at least once a fortnight.



Our learning this year
