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  • Gosfield Community Primary School
‘Building a Love of Life and Learning’
‘Building a Love of Life and Learning’

Class 5

Welcome to Class 5 - 24/25


Welcome everyone and I hope you are are excited for a fantastic year! I (Mrs Phelps) teach class 5, our Year 6s, and I am also the assistant headteacher here at Gosfield. Class 5 is also taught by Miss Wood one day a week. We have lots to look forward to this year and I am looking forward to getting to know each and everyone of you. 


Key Information for Class 5


PE - Our PE day this half term in Class 5 is Tuesday. Please come into school in your PE kits.

Spellings - The children will be given spellings on a Friday, to be tested the fortnightly (on a Friday) commencing the week of 9th September. The children are expected to practise these at home wherever possible.


Reading - At Gosfield, we spend a lot of time at school during our English and whole class reading lessons exploring a variety of texts, practising fluency and improving comprehension. Each child will have their very own book to read at home in their reading pouch. We ask for the children to read at home at least 3 times a week to support their growing fluency, vocabulary and comprehension. Reading records will be checked on Thursday and the number of reads counted towards our celebration in Friday assembly. 


Topics for the Autumn Term

In Science, we will be studying the topic 'Evolution and Inheritance'. This will be an interesting look into what those terms mean, what characteristics can be inherited and what we can learn from fossils and the work of Charles Darwin. In Geography, we will be looking at  environmental issues and specifically at plastic pollution. Please see below an idea of the year planner but be aware this is subject to change throughout the year.  If you ever have any questions about any areas of learning or would like to arrange a meeting, please email the office and they will forward your email on to myself. 


I cannot wait to get this year started - I am sure it is going to be a brilliant year! 


Mrs Phelps

Class 5 Yearly Overview
