School Uniform
The staff and governors expect all children to wear the school uniform. Please make sure all items of school uniform are clearly named. Our school uniform provider is Baldwins of Halstead. Please use the link below to gain access to their website.
Our school uniform
White shirt/blouse
Grey or black pinafore/skirt or trousers/shorts
Blue and white checked cotton summer dress
Blue sweatshirt or cardigan with school crest
Black shoes (flat-heeled not boots)
White, black or grey socks/tights
PE uniform
Children wear their PE kit on their PE day.
The PE uniform is:
Blue Shorts
Plain blue top
Plimsolls or plain dark trainers for outdoor wear
Plain Black, Royal Blue or Grey jogging bottoms
Royal Blue polo top
Royal Blue Gosfield jumper (logo is not needed)
Jewellery must not be worn for PE lessons and must be removed by either the child or parent, staff can not remove earrings.