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  • Gosfield Community Primary School
‘Building a Love of Life and Learning’
‘Building a Love of Life and Learning’

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

Amazing Things Happen - by Alexander Amelines

At Gosfield Community Primary School every member of our community is important to us; we aim to identify additional needs and provide support at an early stage to ensure that children's needs are met and resolved early on where possible, and the correct provision is put in place for them from the very beginning.


Our capable teachers and Learning Support Assistants meet children's needs in class through individual or small-group focused activities. We work closely with parents and external agencies such as: Speech and Language Therapy Services and Educational Psychologists and we attend regular, relevant training.


Children with identified needs are placed on the special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) register, and benefit from the Essex approach of "One Planning" focused on child-centred reviews and individual provision mapping.


Children are encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning and outcomes, and are encouraged to develop a high level of self-esteem, confidence and motivation for learning.



Below are some useful websites for Parents and Carers.
