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  • Gosfield Community Primary School
‘Building a Love of Life and Learning’
‘Building a Love of Life and Learning’

Late/Absence Procedures

Good attendance at school provides vital continuity of learning for your son/daughter and at Gosfield Community Primary School we are all aiming for 97% attendance. If your child is absent from school for any period, they will miss important elements of their learning. Absence on unforeseeable grounds (illness, travel disruption or emergency medical appointments) should be communicated to the school by phone on 01787 472266  or e-mail on each and every day of absence before 9.20am.


Registration takes place at 8.40 am, pupils who arrive after this time will be marked as present, but having arrived late. The register will close at 9.00 am.  Pupils arriving after the close of register will be recorded as being absent.  This will not be authorised and will be counted as an absence for that schools session. The absence will only be authorised if a satisfactory explanation for the late arrival can be provided, for example, attendance at a medical appointment. 


If your child is absent due to sickness, they must not return to school for 48 hours following their last bout of sickness.


Please see our attendance policy for further information regarding lateness or absence. 

Attendance Policy
