Welcome back everyone! We hope you’ve had a wonderful Summer break and are looking forward to coming back to school! We have lots of exciting topics to explore; please see our yearly overview at the bottom of the page to see what we will be covering this academic year.
Important Information
The Class 2 team
Teachers: Miss Wood (Monday) and Miss Williamson (Tuesday to Friday)
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Root (Monday to Wednesday) and Mrs Haylock (Thursday to Friday)
This Autumn term, we will also be joined by Mr Grover. Mr Grover is a trainee teacher who will be joining class 2 and working alongside Miss Williamson and Miss Wood over the coming months.
PE will be taught on a Monday by Miss Wood. Please ensure your child comes to school wearing their PE kit every Monday. Please also make sure that hair is tied up and earrings removed before the school day.
Try to read at least 3 times a week at home (and have your diary signed by an adult). It is crucial for our early readers to build a secure level of fluency and begin to develop comprehension skills. Diaries are checked every Thursday.
Also, reading books are changed on a Friday. More information regarding reading book levels and accelerated reader for year 2s will be sent out in the coming weeks.
Spellings will be given out every Friday and be tested the following Friday, starting with a word list test and moving onto dictation tests. Try to practice your spellings daily (you can choose a method that suits you).
Times Tables
In class 2, we practise times tables daily with a particular focus on the 2s, 5s and 10s. On a Friday, the children will have the opportunity to sit a times table test at the end of the week. A child will only sit a times table test once I am confident they understand how to multiply numbers together. For those who were in my class previously and were completing weekly times tables tests, I will be re-testing them on their 2s, 5s and 10s to check they can recall their times table facts before moving on. Please practice x tables daily (you can choose a method that suits you), starting with the 2x table. It is important your child knows how to count in their 2s up to 24 before moving them onto multiplication.
Water Bottles
Please send your child in with a water bottle every day. The children will have regular drink breaks throughout the day.